États-UnisIt appears that you are currently in États-Unis.
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  • Afrique du Sud
    • English
  • Algérie
    • English
  • Angola
    • English
  • Botswana
    • English
  • Burkina Faso
    • English
  • Burundi
    • English
  • Bénin
    • English
  • Cameroun
    • English
  • Comores
    • English
  • Côte d'Ivoire
    • English
  • Djibouti
    • English
  • Gabon
    • English
  • Gambie
    • English
  • Ghana
    • English
  • Gibraltar
    • English
  • Guinée
    • English
  • Guinée équatoriale
    • English
  • Guinée-Bissau
    • English
  • Ile de la Réunion
    • English
  • Kenya
    • English
  • Le Cap-Vert
    • English
  • Lesotho
    • English
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    • English
  • Libéria
    • English
  • Madagascar
    • English
  • Malawi
    • English
  • Mali
    • English
  • Maroc
    • English
  • Maurice
    • English
  • Mauritania
    • English
  • Mayotte
    • English
  • Mozambique
    • English
  • Namibie
    • English
  • Niger
    • English
  • Nigéria
    • English
  • Ouganda
    • English
  • Rwanda
    • English
  • République arabe sahraouie démocratique
    • English
  • République centrafricaine
    • English
  • République du Congo
    • English
  • République Démocratique du Congo
    • English
  • Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha
    • English
  • Sao Tomé-et-Principe
    • English
  • Seychelles
    • English
  • Sierra Leone
    • English
  • Somalie
    • English
  • Soudan
    • English
  • Swaziland
    • English
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    • English
  • Tanzanie
    • English
  • Tchad
    • English
  • Togo
    • English
  • Tunisie
    • English
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    • English
  • Zimbabwe
    • English
  • Égypte
    • English
  • Érythrée
    • English
  • Éthiopie
    • English
  • Îles Falkland
    • English


  • Afghanistan
    • English
  • Bangladesh
    • English
  • Bhutan
    • English
  • Birmanie
    • English
  • Brunei
    • English
  • Cambodge
    • English
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  • Corée du Nord
    • English
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    • English
  • Etat de Palestine
    • English
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    • English
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  • Malaisie
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  • Maldives
    • English
  • Mongolie
    • English
  • Népal
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    • English
  • République populaire de Chine
    • English
  • Singapour
    • English
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    • English
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  • Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien
    • English
  • Thaïlande
    • English
  • Turkménistan
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  • Viêt Nam
    • English
  • Île Christmas
    • English

Australia/New Zealand

  • Australie
    • English
  • Fidji
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    • English
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    • English
  • Polynésie Française
    • English
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    • English
  • Samoa Américaines
    • English
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    • English
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    • English
  • Tonga
    • English
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    • English
  • Vanuatu
    • English
  • Wallis-et-Futuna
    • English
  • États fédérés de Micronésie
    • English
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    • English
  • Îles Mariannes du Nord
    • English
  • Îles Marshall
    • English
  • Îles Pitcairn
    • English
  • Îles Salomon
    • English


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    • English
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    • English
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    • English
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    • English
  • Roumanie
    • English
  • Royaume-Uni
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    • English
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    • English
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    • English
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    • English
  • Slovénie
    • English
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    • English
  • Suède
    • English
  • État de la Cité du Vatican
    • English
  • Île de Man
    • English
  • Îles Svalbard et Jan Mayan
    • English

Latin America

  • Argentine
    • English
  • Bolivie
    • English
  • Brésil
    • English
  • Chili
    • English
  • Colombie
    • English
  • Costa Rica
    • English
  • Cuba
    • English
  • El Salvador
    • English
  • Guatemala
    • English
  • Mexique
    • English
  • Nicaragua
    • English
  • Panama
    • English
  • Paraguay
    • English
  • Pérou
    • English
  • République Dominicaine
    • English
  • Uruguay
    • English
  • Venezuela
    • English
  • Équateur
    • English

Middle East

  • Arabie Saoudite
    • English
  • Bahreïn
    • English
  • Emirats Arabes Unis
    • English
  • Inde
    • English
  • Irak
    • English
  • Iran
    • English
  • Israël
    • English
  • Jordanie
    • English
  • Kuwait
    • English
  • Liban
    • English
  • Oman
    • English
  • Qatar
    • English
  • Syrie
    • English
  • Turquie
    • English
  • Yémen
    • English

North America

  • Canada
    • English
    • French
  • États-Unis
    • English

Eastern Europe and Central Asia

  • Arménie
    • English
  • Azerbaïdjan
    • English
  • Biélorussie
    • English
  • Estonie
    • English
  • Géorgie
    • English
  • Kazakhstan
    • English
  • Lettonie
    • English
  • Lituanie
    • English
  • Ouzbékistan
    • English
  • Russie
    • English
  • République de Moldavie
    • English
  • Tajikistan
    • English
  • Ukraine
    • English

VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte: Premium esthetics with even more options

Quality "made in Germany" for exactly 100 years: With its product portfolio, VITA Zahnfabrik offers highly esthetic solutions for prosthetics. The same applies to the proven VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte CAD/CAM blocks. Just in time for the 100th anniversary, the blocks are now available in five new VITA classical A1-D4 shades.

VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte: Premium esthetics with even more options

Quality "made in Germany" for exactly 100 years: With its product portfolio, VITA Zahnfabrik offers highly esthetic solutions for prosthetics. The same applies to the proven VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte CAD/CAM blocks. Just in time for the 100th anniversary, the blocks are now available in five new VITA classical A1-D4 shades.

Esthetics and proven high quality
With its integrated shade gradient, VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte is especially suitable for CAD/CAM fabrication of crowns and veneers in the visible area. The four intensity layers guarantee a natural interplay of color and light – as close to the esthetics of natural teeth as possible.

Proven feldspar ceramic – for over 35 years

This material has a special fine structure, which is proven to make it exceptionally easy to polish, as well as resistant to abrasion. Numerous clinical studies confirm the long-term durability of restorations using VITABLOCS.

Simple and efficient to use
VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte will also be available in the shades B1, B2, B3, C2 and C3, in addition to the VITA classical shades A1, A2, A3 and A3.5 already available. This gives users even more options for quickly and easily creating restorations with matching shades.

VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte also saves time and makes the workflow more efficient. A chairside treatment in just one session at a dental practice is easily possible using VITABLOCS. Patients not only benefit from the fast treatment, but also from the highly esthetic results.

More on VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte

Additional information: www.vita-zahnfabrik.com/vitablocs_TP6_Multicolor.html

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